Saturday, October 24, 2015

Album news

This will be the final album (for now) from this incarnation of Pabodie's Drilling Apparatus. It feels as if I cannot take this weird folky punk rock thing any further, so I'm going to push it as far as possible. What that means is still sort of undecided. It will be more ambitious, multi part songs, but not necessarily verse chorus verse. Longer songs, for sure. I want it to be more improvised. Almost nothing will be repeatable. There are some elements that will be planned, but aside from the instruments and some of the more... pop-punk-folk moments that I normally dabble in, this will be essentially a free form jazzy excersize in overdubbing, drum loops, fuzzy electric guitar and spastic fingerpicking. Beyond that, it is all up in the air.


The cover art is going to change as well.

I'm going to try and get some outside talent to record spoken word passages.

We will see how they feel about it.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

another album!?!


Another one is coming soon.

Here is the art!!!!!



Wednesday, August 19, 2015

He is anewed

Idk what means, but whatevs.

Satan is Alive and Well and He Lives in Outerspace was released sometime last week.

Physical copies are in the plans for the future. As is a stupid way to sell them.

Here is the cover art.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

satan! is living

Holy shit, I'm going through the wreckage of my recordings, and I'm finding tons of stuff to use..none of it any good, but i'm already looking at 30+ tracks that will run probably 40 or so minutes. That like, double nickels level right there.

Well, almost. double nickels is almost 80 minutes at 43... well without those tracks on the cd version anyway, but its still impressive for a guy who really hasn't made an album that is 30 minutes since 2012.

I'm working on the album art now... its going to be forgettable!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

album news

its coming along slow and sure, but some house projects have come up and that needs to be taken care of ASAP...

mold in the basement... not good.

But once it is all cleared up, maybe work can go ahead proper... or not. there might be work in the garage that needs to get done.

Saturday, July 11, 2015



Slowly working on stuff.

I know I mentioned the new album, or I think it was mentioned earlier, but Satan is Alive and Well and Lives in Outerspace is taking on a strange shape, I've always wanted to make an album that is like, constantly moving, evolving, changing within itself. And since I am self published, I have the freedom to be as weird and offputting as I wish.

Idk what this album is going to look like going into to, or during... or after. Should be interesting.

Thinking about making it one long track. like a 20 minute track, or like 30 tracks of various lengths.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


weird... i'm not sure what to tthink anymore...

i'm tired all the time, and my strings are all broken and fire is all but an uncommon occurrence. living inbetween the moments of failing hour glasses and fermented gasoline. please let me dream, I'm no longer breathing anyways... sideways the whole day and lame all night. Baby. We can make our love under the stars or above our parents bedrooms. But my leg has fallen asleep, and the cramps are making every movement an incredible feat. Fear of disappointment can be debilitating or a great motivator, but for now I'll just lay motionless, waiting for the sun to explode. Then I will complain how dark it is, and how there never seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Words to an untitled song that may or may not be on SAW&LOS. Probably not. It was some stream of consciousness that I mangled together for no one in particular.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

album in the works

Another new album is in the works already,

Satan is Alive and Well and Lives in Outer Space

It is in the beginning stages now.

I want to try and make this one a lil differently.

Shorter songs, each about 1-2 minutes. Fuller arrangments, as in, try to get some drums or bass in there. More harmonica definitely.

20 tracks. GBV style this. or atleast more than 12 or 10. Maybe like 15. roughly 30 minutes.

Friday, May 29, 2015

New album

Permeate the Membrane! Is up and running on soundcloud. I contacted the Hear Nebraska people, and they put a quick plug for it on their website.

So far, it has very little listens.

Pretty much what I expected.

Maybe I can parlay this into a show or something, though.


Monday, May 11, 2015


Well, initial recordings are done, and the demos are finished. I got a couple test presses up and working on tinkering and tailoring everything until it is as close to perfect as a pda album will get.

Nothing else going on.


Friday, May 1, 2015

Just some thoughts.

I'm pooping right now, got nothing else to do but blog I suppose, but about what?

My music is the whole reason behind this blog, but maybe it could be more?

No, not really. This is just the trials and tribulations of a perpetually shy and awkward man as he tries to develop his personal sound, his voice, who he is, essentially, through the medium of music, all while trying to (and failing amazingly!) build a life with his soon to be wife, daughter, and crapshit dog, Biggie Smalls.

It has been interesting, and I've found out a lot about myself through  my music. I think, maybe.


But it has been remotely interesting, to myself.

This sounds like I'm about to announce the end of PDA.



Nah. I'm just dicking around.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Permeate the Membrane! UPDATED(4/21)

It is slowly coming together...

Lets see which songs I have:

(I'm more posting this to keep my stuff organized)

Don't Have to Try2
Growing Up Slowly4
Let em Know What They wanna Know6
Just Give In (GloryV2)23
Your Heart is in the Right Place, but That Anger is Needed for Better Things38
Nostalgia Market48(ThirdTry)
Random Ramblings(parts 1, 2, 3)
There Was a Boy49

7 Songs so far, and those numbers? Those are for me. Dont worry bout it.

UPDATE(4/18): New song made, up to 8 songs plus a 3 part a capella thing I'm going to use as bookmarking on the album. Like an intro, interlude and an outro. Its stupid, but whatever. It reminded me of Trout Mask Replica, and I love that freaking album, so I want to do it. Who is going to listen to it anyways? No one. So that is 11 tracks total, but now I want to get a couple more actual songs before completing it. There are a few more ideas out there, so hopefully that will produce a few more solid concepts. I would like to get the actual track number up to 10 or 11, putting the final count at either 13 or 14. We will see how that goes.

UPDATE(4/21): Ok, got a new song done, new in that it will finally be released in a form that I like. There was a Boy has been around for a few years now, but I have never been able to get a good enough version of it that was worth putting out there. Now, I think the best version has been captured. It feels right, for now. So that makes the total count up to 9 songs! Hooray!  I'm going to try and shoot for two or three more songs. But, now I'm feeling very confident about how this is going. For now, anyways, I'm sure some doubt will creep in come mixing and mastering time.

But yeah, I got a new version of Glory that cut out some of the more useless parts.

I'm definitely going to keep up with the whole "Song Title is kind of longer than the Song" thing, it amuses me. Also I'm trying to keep the titles more descriptive, like, they add to the song, not just take lyrics from the song itself and use that as a title. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Whatevs.

But yeah, I've got a few more ideas percolating, 5 more songs? Maybe who knows.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ok so...

Lot of shit happened these past few weeks:

Lost job
got new job
discovered all recording equipment was useless
Got a dog
Released album
Got new recording equipment

Oh yeah, new album.

Dart Lucky:

Thats the album right there.

You can download or listen to it at soundcloud here.

I also set up a Song Ladder account...

Yeah, don't ask.

But it is another way for people to ignore my music.

Ok, scrapping EPs for now, unless I don't have enough for a new album, then it will be an EP and I will just do what I did with Dart Lucky and scrounge up the cream of the crop for a full length, mix in some new songs and bingo: Permeate the Membrane! is a go.

Yes, Permeate will be the next album title. Unless I decide differently.

I have 4 songs down, and a long weekend with no kid or wife to bother me, so hopefully I can get some more done. If there aren't 11 or 12 songs for an album, I will put it out as an EP on my bandcamp under a different name, probably Crush. BUT if I do gather enough material for a full length, it will be released on soundcloud under PTM!

Got it? Me neither!


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Open Mics

Turns out there are some open mics in Omaha (who knew?) and I will try to make it out there... some time in the future. I really want to get together a tight set... idk why. I really just want to impress people. Thats all I've ever wanted I suppose...

Its open mic, it should be loose, a place to work out the kinks that you can't work out by yourself. But anyone who goes in there with that mindset, and doesn't try his hardest to actually come in with super polished material in order to impress the other musicians is, well, quite an extraordinary human being. That person is a saint and should get a medal.

But I'm not that perfect person, I need validation for the years of work I've been putting into this useless endeavor.

I won't get it.

But I'm a masochist, so I'll put my head into the noose to see if can get any tighter before I pass out.