Lot of shit happened these past few weeks:
Lost job
got new job
discovered all recording equipment was useless
Got a dog
Released album
Got new recording equipment
Oh yeah, new album.
Dart Lucky:
Thats the album right there.
You can download or listen to it at soundcloud here.
I also set up a Song Ladder account...
Yeah, don't ask.
But it is another way for people to ignore my music.
Ok, scrapping EPs for now, unless I don't have enough for a new album, then it will be an EP and I will just do what I did with Dart Lucky and scrounge up the cream of the crop for a full length, mix in some new songs and bingo: Permeate the Membrane! is a go.
Yes, Permeate will be the next album title. Unless I decide differently.
I have 4 songs down, and a long weekend with no kid or wife to bother me, so hopefully I can get some more done. If there aren't 11 or 12 songs for an album, I will put it out as an EP on my bandcamp under a different name, probably Crush. BUT if I do gather enough material for a full length, it will be released on soundcloud under PTM!
Got it? Me neither!
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