Sunday, December 28, 2014

End of the new year

As 2014 closes, I'm left with one lasting impression: this sucks.

Everything does. Life, work, music... other things.

It is all terrible.

But that is how it is, isn't it?

All life seems to be is preparing for your next step in life. You are always moving, constantly moving towards some end goal, but once you reach that point, you move to the next step. Is this how it always is for everyone or is it just some people? Like, what is the end game?

More importantly, what is my end game?

I've been thinking about this for quite a while. I still want to do something with music, might not have to be a musician per se, but maybe a sound engineer or producer or a reviewer or blogger or fucking something. Cause this is important to me, I've found something I'm finally passionate about, and that I'm sort of good at. And I want to pursue this in any way possible. But there isn't a clear cut way to pursue something, no one has a plan ready and waiting for whatever Joe Asshole wants to come along and become a musician. It is one of those things that can be acquired a million different ways, thats why I think it is attractive to me.

I may have this wrong, but with corporations and other businesses, you come in, work from the bottom up and show your worth and eventually you might become a CEO or something. Of course you can always skip all that with the right connections and talent, but music seems more fluid. You don't have to, well maybe you do. start at the bottom, pay your dues, and maybe fame will find you. Maybe it is like everything else. Scratch that shit.

But it does seem more fluid, like, you can. Idk what I'm trying to say.

Fuck off I'm tired.

BUT, an EP is slowly being built, and it will be called.... something. Maybe Permeate the Membrane! or Crush. I forgot how the timeline was working out on that one. Crush was next I believe.

So, Crush is still in development.

I do really like Dart Lucky for whatever reason. It just, sticks to my brain.