We (my family) maybe acquiring a house soon.
This means I will be able to get my studio back up and running.
I've done inventory on my equipment, and most of my stuff is shit wrecked.
I'm going to need new stuff. My plan is to acquire an 8 track digital recorder, use it to record and mix shit, then upload it to my... i think its called a DAW software? Whatever. Idk. Idc. Then use that to master, cut, edit all that good stuff.
A looper pedal will also be in the future, as well as a drum pad.
The drumpad will be a better fit for me, because it is more like actual instrumenting instead of just pressing buttons to make drum patterns. It is more hands on and immersive, so I think it will allow me to get a better handle on making drum tracks.
I'm not sure how to explain how my brain works. They say when you can't explain how something works, then you don't understand it well enough. So it goes.
Like, when I can physically do something, my brain interprets it better than if I'm listening to someone tell me about it, or if I'm just building something through software. The actual physical action registers better to my brain, and it feels like I can learn it better that way. That is why I don't think i can use software like fruity loops or anything to make beats, it just doesn't do anything for me. I'd need to actually get turntables and synths and shit to make a beat.
Which is something else I really want to learn how to do: turntablism. That stuff is crazy cool.