This is a quick summary of what I have been accomplishing during these last few weeks:
Now here are some things I've been working on for the past few weeks:
I magically acquired a gig that I will unceremoniously ruin with my style. It takes place May 11th, 9:30 pm at the Syd. All the information is on the "Shows" page.
There are, at my last count, 6 songs I have a good idea of what I want to sound like. It is weird, I only have 4 more songs to make before I release another album ( I have a weird thing where I like 10 songs per album), and I didn't realize it until I sat down and counted. So, that means this album will be happening soonish, before the new year at least, but not before I can get my "studio" set up again. I will be messing with my drum machine and bass so hopefully I will get a full band sound this time around. If it becomes too much of a hassle, or starts taking too much time, I will probably scrap the idea. But a full band sound is definitely the goal for the third album.
Speaking of full band sound, I have been playing with the idea of corralling some musicians for a backing band. I might be able to wrangle a few more shows that way, but then again I haven't even tried wrangling shows in the first place-- I just sort of fall into them. This idea is still far off in the future.
I might throw out an EP of a some songs. I have artwork I want to use, and I'm not doing anything. No one will buy it. Why not?
Anyways, that is all I have.
Pabodie's Drilling Apparatus